Linguistic Direction®:
redefining the way we approach marketing

Linguistic Direction® is the way we're thinking, and rethinking, marketing.

Remida's services, through Linguistic Direction®, lead brands and companies to enhance their natural potential. Through their first and most powerful asset: language. Because an image without a text is a nice suggestion... but a text without an image is already a message.

Internal & Corporate Communication 

We successfully apply the Remida Model in the areas of corporate and internal communication. Because a corporate culture is made by words, well before the actions take place.

What is the company's unique communicative style? How does the company sound when talking to itself (and to its people)? We map the internal sentiment through psychosocial research tools to depict a faithful portrait of values and opportunities, as well as critical issues to address.

We craft tailored interventions and projects designed to turn the unique complexity of each company into an occasion of growth, dialogue, and change. Also in the fields of training and employer branding.

Discover Remida's Method

Brand Strategy & Brand Consultancy

Strategic consulting is the founding element of all our work. We are experts in strategy and consultants who bring a proprietary perspective to every activity and service. Brand strategy is the cornerstone of all our functions.

Consultancy for us is also, and above all, a perspective for envisioning: we are not yes people, and we don't have all the answers. But we have the curiosity to study, the intelligence to question ourselves, and the deep interest in all the facets that every issue brings with itself.

We guide companies with ongoing consultancy on marketing, branding, and communication projects, with the commitment to provide an informed, rationalised, and broad-vision response to the questions that the assignment will bring us.

Who is Remida?


What do you want to be remembered for? What stories do you want to share with your audience? And what are the messages that these stories will convey in our broader cultural landscape?

Remida responds to the communication ancestral need by prioritising the message over the scheduled calendar. Communication is a transactional act in which I need to give something valuable to my counterpart: it is an exchange between time and information. And it is the study of the brand, the definition of its verbal identity and its linguistic approach that allows us to create successful storytelling.

Talking about tone of voice is reductive. Here there are also unconscious assumptions, beliefs, and emotional responses.

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